Sunday, May 27, 2007

Walk? Check. Smile & Chuckle? Check.

Jamie looks amazing. Beautiful as ever and in charge—two days after surgery—just as it should be. She's checking off her daily goals on the white board by her door, just as efficiently as she handles her cabinet order checklists at work. Under her direction, John managed the bed controls pretty well too. He takes such excellent care of Jamie. And, it was good to see the incredibly attentive and efficient nursing staff at work helping her heal.

She says that walking actually made her feel better today and she was looking forward to a second "stroll" later this evening. It's exciting to see how motivated she is. And, it was most fun to see her chuckle and smile today several times.

All the flowers in her room are gorgeous, although she really needs more horizontal space for floral display. If only they made floral arrangements that hung from the wall, that would be perfect. She does have a great cork board opposite her bed though where she can see cards and other cheerful things that folks are sending.

*Note to John: That dandy little "tea spot" you & Joel visited on Montlake serves an excellent mangodilla (mango and chicken quesadilla) for a quick dinner and a wicked good "medicinal" Mexican Coffee drink that I'm sure the Irish invented...


Anonymous said...

Thanks to John, Kenny and Jen for playing with Wilson so we could have some girl time with Jamie yesterday. (Well until Dave got to come up... but he handles talk of lady parts better than most men I know). Wilson said Beth's banana bread kicks ass and he appreciated his Uncle John being the first one to give him nuts. You'll always be his favorite now.

Jamie you look amazing, and surely are on the countdown to food! Your appetite should be on its way back soon. Tell May to teach John her leg massage technique so you can keep that going at home!

It seems the "good stuff" was doing a pretty good job of keeping you comfortable and relaxed when we got there. I'm happy for you (that you can rest) but I will be looking forward to your opinion returning with your appetite!! Hearing that you are bossing John is a good first step.

You both are so loved, and I know that many people are checking the blog daily (there are lots of lurkers out there who are unable or unwilling to post!) so keep up the good work there too.

And just remember John, when you use the grammar/spellcheck on Microsoft Word you don't scream censorship... Katrina is doing us all a service :) We love reading your posts.

Love, Anne, Dave and Wilson

Anonymous said...

The top of the morning to you Jamie! Do you realize that the nurses are going to suffer "cookie withdrawal" when you leave? They'll always remember you as that patient with the wonderful smile and very attentive husband (with all the questions) who gave us a week full of treats.

Glad the walks are making you feel better. Shorty will look forward to some short walks with you -- which willl be just his style -- short walks for a short dog!

You're making great progress. Keep it up! Does it hurt to laugh?
We'll see you soon - we plan on coming up on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie & John!

We are so happy to hear of all your recovery progress! It sounds like things are going well and that you have an amazing support system there--man, we really wish we could be closer geographically, though...

Jamie--hope eating again happens soon and goes well!

John--your posts, "altered" or not, are really funny and make us smile. Thanks to all for the info from the front line!

Jason and Lita

Anonymous said...

Well, Anne (Cut-To-The-Chase-Crase) has outed me! I've been lurking, feeling Jamie's pain, and laughing with John (mostly over his concerns about "censorship"!!

Katrina, you've done a wonderful job with creating and and maintaining this website. It's great to see all the love and support reflected here.

John and Jamie, I'm sorry you've had to experience this kind of life-altering event so early in your earthly journey but you have the advantage of truly enjoying the benefits of supportive, caring, friends and family. We all have the greatest faith in your ability to recover quickly and continue enjoying life to the fullest.

Love from Pat and Audrey.