Monday, May 28, 2007

Excuse me, excuse me, from the bottom of my heart...

We made another milestone today: Jamie passed gas. Not only does this mean that the surgeon in fact hooked everything back up correctly, it also means that Jamie will be eating and drinking soon. I unfortunately was not here for the event, as I was having a grilled cheese sandwich in the cafeteria. But those present recounted it as a most jubilant occasion with Jamie’s eyes lighting up like a child’s on Christmas morning.

I think this also marks Jamie’s readiness for regular guests, but please be courteous and let us know when you plan to arrive to prevent overcrowding and wearing Jamie out. She has consistently been walking and doing her daily hygiene around 9:oo or 10:00 a.m., so late morning is not convenient.

Jamie’s walk this morning was epic, with nurse Hallie taking her clear to the end of the wing, around the nurses’ station and back to her room. Afterwards Chris and I helped Jamie with her morning routine, and both Jamie and I settled in for a long nap.

We also met with Dr. Goff this morning, who has proposed that Jamie join a trial group that undergoes chemotherapy at a more aggressive pace. Instead of the normal 21 day cycle, Jamie would receive chemo every 15 days, along with a drug called Neulestra to boost her immune system. The primary drug mix is the same, with the only exception being that the Neulestra is given initially, instead of around the 4th cycle under the normal course. According to Dr. Goff Jamie could be ready to start this as soon as one week following discharge.

As for me, I have had made my self infamous by vomiting in the hall outside Jamie’s room last night. Last evening, with Ken and Chris here I thought I would take a couple of hours to run some errands and have a meal off campus. I got my chores done, showered up and went to what had been my favorite neighborhood sushi joint for some culinary adventure. The event being still clear in my mind I would prefer not to recount my menu choices, but let’s just say I pulled my usual and asked the chef “what's good tonight”. About 4 hours later I noted that I was feeling a bit nauseous so I went downstairs to walk a bit and buy a soda. The first soda machine took my money but gave no product (a bad omen which I did not recognize at the time), so I found another machine down a side corridor by the service elevator. I returned to the room, took a few sips of Sprite and started to relax. Then it hit me. I lurched for the in room trash can, but restrained myself. Thinking I could overpower it, I went out into the hall. Soon overwhelmed, I grabbed a small trash can but missed; spraying all over myself and the hallway. I momentarily regained focus and went back into Jamie’s bathroom, where I continued to heave. Jamie was startled awake, and hit her call button. By this time things had subsided. I swabbed up what I could and then went to find Michael to confess (I had been touting my sushi eating skills to him earlier). Michael who was literally minutes from the end of his shift (in his steadfast way) assured me that this was one place I did not have to be embarrassed about bodily functions. Jamie soon demanded my removal from her room, and I called Chris to take my watch. I returned to the hotel (wretched a bit more) and then slept. I awoke his morning a bit shy of appetite, but later ate the egg breakfast special without remorse.

Jamie and I appreciate all of your comments and support. I look forward to checking the blog several times as day. In the past we have been reading to Jamie, but today I think she will be strong and focused enough to use her own laptop.

(Now edited by popular demand.)


Anonymous said...

Way to go, John! I guess that gives new meaning to 'losing your cookies.' All razing aside, I'm really sorry that happened. I hope this doesn't put you off shushi. After all the stuff you ate in Viet Nam I thought you had an iron stomach.

Jamie, I'm amazed at your recovery -- proving your spirit is strong! Stay tough. We'll be up to see you tomorrow and should get there around 12:30 to 1:00ish.

Anonymous said...

Jamie and John,

Thanks for the very detailed update. I could give you one of my own, I picked Katelyn up on the way home from the hospital and she had a fever of 102 degrees and a itchy, itchy rash. It's safe to say, it's a good thing I planned on satying home tomorrow, because she is not showing signs of recovery yet on this flu bug. John, I hope you got some recovery time and are back in topnotch shape.
Jamie-I am so sorry I missed this amazing walk. I wasn't sure last time could be beat. Passing gas....that is a BIG accomplishment. I hope the spasms in your stomach are subsiding now that this marvelous event has occurred. I bet you look even more lovely than yesterday. I'm sorry I won't be able to come up tomorrow as Katelyn is well, down for the count for awhile. We put in a good movie, maybe you should too. Have Mom give you a hug for me and know that I am thinking of you always!

P.S. Maybe you can have that popsicle that Michael offered, yum yum.
****To all the visitors yet to see Jamie--If you have good VHS movie tapes, bring one to her. The library at the hospital had slim pickings on the movies, she may like one from your collection.

Anonymous said...


It's so good to hear how well you are doing. I'm glad you have the best of care! Happy Memorial Day!

~ Shanan & Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie and John,

Your sister may have created a monster, John, by flushing out this particular lurker!!

I have to say I'm impressed with your writing skills, John. Your offerings are descriptive and sometimes appropriately amusing. Your English teaching cousin would be proud of you!!(But maybe you shouldn't have run off your "censor"! She was a great proofreader.)

Like so many others, Jamie, I'm amazed at your recovery and your spirit. I've always seen you as confident and capable but dealing with health issues can be another ball game and you are so meeting the challenge. We all have great faith in you.

I see Anne succeeded in motivating another lurker to jump in. And a better person to offer support and encouragement I can't imagine. LeaAnne (Hi!) is a great role model for us all, but especially for you, Jamie, since she knows first hand about the intensities of being a close acquaintence of Can Sir. I will always believe attitude is 99 per cent of success, particularly when it comes to wellness.

So, you go, girl! And, John, I also have to comment on what an excellent partner you are being. I'm sure that's not an easy role and I admire your strength and sense of humor. As exhausting as it must be, it might also turn out to be one of the most rewarding times of your life.

So, both of you, keep on keeping on. Feel the love and hurry back to regular life (whatever that is!). We're all pulling for you.

Pat and Audrey

Albireo said...

Hi John and Jamie -

We are so glad to hear that you are on a speedy road to recovery. Who knew one could be so excited about passing gas? And to have so many people publicly cheering you on too! We have had similar cheering events these past few days as Zack says goodbye to his diapers. We even got a celebratory trip to the DQ today (I know, I know - it wasn't custard. What were we thinking?)

We feel a little helpless being so far away, but thanks to Katrina and John (and of course Al Gore's internet), we at least are in the loop. We have been thinking of you lots this past week, especially yesterday as we took a stroll along the Potomac with the boys.

Keep up the good work everyone! We're glad you are getting such great support in your battle.

Much love,
Michael, Kris, Gabe and Zack

Jen said...

Hi Jamie,
I was so happy to hear that you are ready for more visitors as I have been wanting to drop by. Do you know how many more days you will be there? Ben has a mild cold right now and I don't want to bring my contaminated-self anywhere near you! If he gets better soon I will try to make it over there in the evening when Chris can stay home with the kids but there is a chance that you will be discharged before that happens. In that case, I will plan to see you at your house (still without the kids) and bring your frozen meals and cookies to you!

I tell you, this blog has been so wonderful for everyone that loves you. I feel like I repeat myself every time but I have to say it again....I am so glad to hear how well you are doing, I think of you constantly and pray for you all the time. Keep up the good work!
(John, I hope you are feeling better!)

Anonymous said...

A good friend of mine told me that passing gas is music to a nurse's Jamie, keep playing those tunes!!!
John, the moral of the story is to stay away from Sushi joints on a probably got the Saturday night leftovers!
See you Tuesday or you really want some VHS movies?? Pat has a whole cabinet full of them.
Nona and Buz

Anonymous said...

So the fart that was heard around the world, huh? I mean there is relief, and then there is relief. Glad Jamie got some of both. What a big day. You deserve congratulations for that and the big walk.

Sorry to hear that you had a rough night John. I wondered how long it would be before your "what do you recommend" bit would catch up with you... that kind of bravery does have its consequences!

I'm having a hard time with the fact that I'm leaving town on Wednesday, but it looks like there are many people who are clamoring to see you Jamie (and you John!) so I know you won't lack for company. We'll bring some rations down to Oly as soon as we get home (I am hoping you will beat us back - we get in on Sunday).

When will you guys start meeting with the rest of the team (nutritionists, social workers, etc.)? Will that not happen until you come back for chemo, or do you expect more appointments as Jamie gets stronger this week?

Wilson can't wait until Jamie is "OK" for a visit! We're all looking forward to being able to give Auntie Jamie a big, big hug.

Love, Anne

P.S. Did not mean to "out" any of the lurkers, but it is good to see them here :) I'm sure I'm not alone in checking the blog at least twice each day (no pressure at all John!) We can't wait for your first post Jamie -- as you said, no transcriptions!!

I think of you both throughout the day, and just today got well wishes for you from Becky, Bernadette, my mother-in-law, and Jamie Phillips (the former Jamie Rawlings). You have so many people sending positive thoughts - hope you are feeling that up there!

Katrina W. said...

Thanks for the call tonight guys. It was really great to talk to you both on the phone. I'll keep you updated on my dad. Thankfully, he also has great nurses in the ICU and Harborview is another fabulous UW Medical Center... Love you both! -Katrina

Unknown said...

Jamie & John,
I've been away from the computer for a couple days, but I was so happy to read about how well Jamie's recovery is going. The walking is very exciting, and the gas even more so. The blog has been great for those of us who are far away. I am thinking of you every day. Stay strong!
Love, Ali

Anonymous said...


My husband sent me this quote the other day, and I thought you'd like it: "Challenge is a dragon with a gift in its mouth. Tame the dragon and the gift is yours." ─ Noela Evans

You're fighting this dragon head-on, and kicking its ass! The gifts are going to be many in your long and healthy future. I'm so glad to be able to follow your progress. I wish I was closer so I could make you some meals and give you some more personal support. I'm glad to see you have such a network of friends and family looking out for you!

Here's to your continued progress and health! You're in my thoughts daily!

~ Shanan

Katrina W. said...

Oh, and many Congratulations on "The Mighty Wind" Jame! ;o)

(And a call and walking in one're just cruisin')

Love, K

Anonymous said...


I just heard from mom and she said you are progressing nicely, way to go! I just took Katelyn to the doctor, let's just say she will not be seeing you for sometime. She will not be contagious after tomorrow, but I have called to get myself some medicine for precaution. Hopefully she will be back to school soon!(So much for working on my thesis.) I hope you got a chance to walk the halls today.


Anonymous said...

I am glad to here you are doing so well. We have had both you and John in our prayers. By the sounds of this last blog I think John might need some help.
By the way you don't know me but John knows me from working with him. We live in Pa. I still wonder why, but that is life. I have read that you and John are planing a trip to Australia. My granddaugther and my money went their last year. She fell in love with the area she really liked New Zealand.
Jamie keep your spirts up and it sounds like you will be on your way home soon. Just remember God is with you all the way.
Take care
Richard Nesbit

Anonymous said...

Can't call you an "old farr, but a young one will do. Congratulations on your latest success. It really is the small things in life that count.
I think John is due for a little jello, applesauce and maybe even a popsicle -- my cure for everything.
Love to read about all the progress you are making. God Bless
Love, Judy and Don
P.S. Glad to be back home after Martin worked our tails off, but it was worth it.