Sunday, May 27, 2007

Day 3, mending well

Jennifer pulled another night shift for me, so I feel like I am starting to recharge. We have been here long enough that I know most of the staff and the charge nurse was kind enough to assign Heidi for the late shift so I did not feel compelled to stay for the shift change.

I overslept a bit and just made it in time to see Dr. Goff, who for the first time spoke in depth about chemotherapy. This can be a very scary subject, and I know it gives me some anxiety, but I think we both see it as a necessary and obstacle to be surmounted on Jamie’s journey to recovery. It also makes me feel like we are moving beyond the surgery to the next phase.

Nurse May worked her magic again today, helping Jamie wash her hair and spruce up a bit after marching her up and down the hall. This woman has been so caring and gone beyond her duty to make my wife comfortable. Her service is so personal it is hard to imagine that she actually attends at least two other patients at the same time.

My parents were here this AM for a quick visit and to haul some surplus cookies away to be saved for our arrival home. I also found out this morning that our day nurse is a fellow Weight Watcher, so I have felt some guilt about being a food pusher. But every time I peek into the lunchroom I see that someone is enjoying all these treats. I am also certain that such bribes are the reason I find the staff so eager to fulfill any and all requests we make. I of course being a man of moderation limit myself to the equivalent of 12 full size cookies a day so as to avoid overdose.

I discovered the Cancer Library on the 8th floor last night while seeking some VHS tapes for Jamie’s in room player. Despite its name it is not a room full of books on cancer, rather it is a nice lounge and lunch room to retreat to for a quick bite, cup of coffee or casual conversation with others here with a family member. I have been packing a lunch each day using rations supplied by my mom, Sharon and Anne, so it is a very convenient place to heat something up and sit for a bit.

Things are pretty quite this afternoon, both Jamie and Jen a napping, I am just sitting here relaxing, catching up on the blog comments. The hustle of the hospital has visibly decreased, giving us some refreshing tranquility. It is one of those dreary Seattle Sundays where you just feel like being inside and reading a book or watching an old movie.


Anonymous said...

Jamie and John,

Jamie You continue to be an inspiration to me. I was sorry I had to leave. I enjoyed our early, early and very early mroning chats as sisters. I hope John was able to get some good night sleep, I know I will need to catch up tonight. It was all worth it, watching how strong you are and how positive you are. I love the way you are with all the nurses. You never forget a "please or a thank you." I'm sure they are very gratetful to have you as their patient. Keep up the good work. You are truly amazing. Continue to keep your head up as you walk and of course breathe.

As for John, 12 cookies may have been an understatement...Our late night brownies with fudge and cream cheese threw the dessert ration to a total of 14 for Saturday.LOL. John you are doing very well taking care of Jamaie. You asked me earlier why I chuckled when you were talking to Jamie. It was because you two are so cute and you are so caring and giving. Thanks for being such a great example of marriage.

Love you both and John be ready for some early morning chats, Jamie is up for anything!


Anonymous said...


I forgot to tell you....Katelyn wants to give you a hug and a kiss!!! So we are sending it to you right now... catch it...grab it....and hold it tight!
We love you.
Jennifer and Katelyn

BethMc said...

It's great to hear that you are up and about Jamie. Now you can chase down some of those cute male nurse. LOL!
Kendal says "Is Get Well Bear doing his job?" and "I Love you!"
Grace says "I Love you," and "I'm eating ice cream. I hope you can join me soon."
Kenny says "See ya soon."

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie and John
I am so glad it sounds like things are progressing very well w/ your care and recovery-What a nice relief- John we would like to do something for Jamie-unfortunatley we cannot get up there to see her-we would love to send something -please help us out with what she would like or needs...Thank you sooo much -When will she be going home? My e-mail is call 253-310-2544-Guy's cell-We are keeping all of you in out prayers which I do feel is helping-and we wish Jamie a speedy recovery as ashe is already on her way there-Please make sure she takes it easy and tell her we are thinking of her everyday and love her lots

Love Guy and Kim

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, wanted to let you know that our hearts are with you and that you are in our thoughts. Im sorry we have not been in more contact. please let me know if you need anything! Jamie you are amazing and I have no doubts that your strength will pull you through with bells on. John, your always the best man to be with in a pinch, and I can't imagine a better team that you two. Give me a call for anything, even if you just want to talk. We'll track you online and hope we can see you soon. Love, Martin, Robin, Ruby and Cowboy (360)385-2517

Jen said...

Jamie, it is so good to hear all of the stories about how well you are doing. Soon you will get to partake in those cookies too:)

John, I wanted to send you a quick note about these comments. I noticed someone gave their email address and phone number and I am pretty sure that "they" (whoever that is) highly recommend that personal info not be given out since anyone can view this. I just wanted to mention it for safety reasons but I don't know a lot about it.


Katrina W. said...

Joel says giving out personal info can get you spam email, but most of us get that numbers are really fine too (unless its unlisted obviously) - go ahead and Google your phone # and see what you find.

Anonymous said...

'Morning,' Jamie. Walking up and down the hallway already. Wow. Next thing we know you'll be sprinting. (Instead of the 50 yard dash we'll call it the Hallway Dash -- challenge another patient on the floor to a race and we'll place bets.)

Hope you're sleeping well at nights (between checks from the nurses). Getting your hair washed must have felt wonderful! Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

I wished after we left yesterday that Jamie had been just a little more comfortable so I could have taken a picture of her to post.........Like Pete says, she looks just remarkable! She was apologizing for being a little out of sorts(she was nauseous and her IV was bothering her). She said, "I really wanted to "wow" everyone when they came today. I told her she had "wowed" us EVERY day!!!

This is one of the times when I believe two first borns being married is a huge asset!! LOL There is enough focus and determination in that hospital room to fuel a small city. Everyone had better look out when John's Aunt LeaAnne arrives in a couple of weeks (she just completed treatment for inflammatory breast cancer). That will make three first borns charging into battle!!

Of course, you are hearing this from one of the moms, so it could be a little prejudiced!! LOL However, having just gone through this with LeaAnne has made me keenly aware of how significant focus, humor, family and friends can be.

Thank you for walking beside them through this and for all the help given the rest of the family, which frees us to be with them.


Anonymous said...

Jamie and John-

Sorry, I haven't gotten a chance to say how good Jamie looked Saturday! I can only imagine how well she's doing now... I'm not saying that because everyone else says so either ;) Our thoughts are always with the both of you, and I wish we could come up more often.

Now about this cookie pushing. John aka the "pusha man" lol. I can only imagine the reputation around the hospital:

"I'm going to room 7043."
"Really? Here, take this napkin, that John guy might be up there. If he has peanut butter, make sure you get two."

Pretty soon you're going to have nurses and orderlies lined up outside of the room like fiends! Little do they know, you have a couple of suppliers lol. They lay low though, you're the face of the operation.

Seriously though, I was happy to finally get a chance to go up see the both of you. Jamie, keep it up! You are definitely an inspiration for all of us. John, you have been doing a great job being steady through all of this. Let us know if you need anything.


Anonymous said...

Jamie and John,
I keep reading about your accomplishments and checking this blog site frequently. Thank you to Kaitlyn for setting this up. We are settled in at Rocky Bay for the summer and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow (Tuesday). My good news for you today, is now that day three is over, it is all down hill from here!!! Keep walking and chuckling...every chuckle not only heals the soul, but also wipes out nasty viruses and cells along the way.
Nona and Buz

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I am finally getting into the blog, people in Montana are on the slow side. I am so happy that you are progressing so well and of course wishing you a speedy recovery and a good long life.

Reading all the comments were just wonderful and really brought tears to my eyes. I really have shed more for you than I did for myself. I am so happy that things are going well. Isn't it wonderful to have a great spouse, family and friends. I most certainly appreciated all the love and attention I had going through IBC. It is interesting we were both stage three and I'm sure your outcome will be just like mine. Great!!!! Well I am so looking forward to spending time with you and John and of course the rest of my family!

I keep lighting those Serbian Orothodox candles for you and of course our Priest prays for you daily. Keep getting better, if you have any questions let me know. Lots of love, Aunt LeaAnne