Wednesday, June 6, 2007

There's No Place Like Home

My first official night at home was amazing. I didn't have to wake up to "let's check your vitals" or "time for meds." Unfortunately, my internal clock is still waking me up every three hours or so to take medication. I feel bad for John because I'm sure he was expecting to sleep a little longer than three hours at a time. Hopefully soon I won't need the pain meds and I too can sleep longer.

Today we head back up to the SCCA for a CT Scan. I thought it was going to be scheduled for Thursday, but I guess there is some red tape telling us my scan has to be transmitted to the East Coast by Thursday at noon for the study. John is a little bit worried that we might be pushing to hard with the study and not thinking enough about my well being. Dr. Goff has all the confidence that I will be okay, so I have to trust her.

I start chemo on Friday. Today I will find out all the particulars as to what this all entails. I guess for the first round, I will not have a port-a-cath put in. I sure hope they will be able to find a vein that will work for the chemo. Most of them are pretty used up, so it may be the most challenging aspect of this journey. I'm going to find out why I can't have one yet.

Our kitchen table looks like a pharmacy. For a person who went into this just taking a multi-vitamin, it's a bit crazy to see all the meds. My mom lovingly labelled all the bottles so I would know what the pills were. The pharmacy just labelled the containers with "as needed". I asked as needed for what? Soon I'm sure the names will be ingrained in my brain, but for now, my brain is still a little hazy.

I will try to post a little more often, as it is easier to type at the kitchen table than my hospital bed. I would like to thank all of you who have sent cookies, love, support and the much needed encouragement. I'm excited to start chemo and have this yucky bug out of my system.


Jen said...

I am so happy to hear that you are home and comfortable. I will arrange a good meal-drop-off-time with you soon. How is your freezer space? I have made some dinners, some Snicker Doodles and Peanut Butter Chocolate Swirl Bars:) I will look forward to seeing more posts from you about the next steps in this journey and please don't hesitate to call or email me if you need anything.
Congratulations on your Graduation from the hospital! There's no place like home!

Anonymous said...


I am sorry I never posted a comment after coming to visit you. I did not know what to say that everyone else had not already said. As usual your smile brightened the room and your sprits were incredible. I did enjoy getting to "bond" with you while you made sure your pluming was attached correctly.

I am glad to hear you are at home. Even though the 3 hour intervals have not subsided yet, I am sure John would much rather be sleeping at home in his bed then that contraption he had at the hospital. Let John know I have not drinken his beer's and we will bring them by soon. Try and relax and get your rest you will need it!

See you soon

BethMc said...

I am so happy you are home now. I'm sure life will be busy for a few more days. Let me know if I can do anything for you guys. Most of next week looks clear for me; so if you need any work done around the house, just call me. Or if want to just hang out and talk.

Anonymous said...

I may be retired...but I would be glad to be your own personal pharmacist. Let me know if there are any questions or problems with your meds. Also If I can do any extra research on your chemo or whatever...I am ready to serve!!
Glad you're home.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie and John,

I know it must feel wonderful to be at home and while it might be a few days before your critters return, that too will be a great feeling. The pics that Katrina has on the blog of Shortie and the bunnies make me smile.

I hope you will continue to post as ofdten as possible. Even a line a day to let us know how you're coming along will be greatly appreciated. Don't forget to share it all with us as everyone here is a good listener, I'm sure.

Some of the suggestions you're gotten have been pretty educational, Jamie, so remember to keep them in mind! (My favorite might be the "Poop Group"!!) But my own personal suggestion is to drink absolutely all the water you can and then drink some more. At least enough that you slosh when you walk!"

Both of you take care. John, when will you be revealing the mysteries behind the Tub Room door?


Pat (& Audrey)

Anonymous said...

So I'm sitting here getting teary-eyed, thinking about how happy I am that you are home for a nite...

Meanwhile, Wilson completely capitalizes on my emotional moment by crawling up inside the kitchen island, and then howling when he can't get out.

So ultimately, he saved you from another sappy post from me. You can thank him later. But it doesn't change how I feel inside :) You are amazing!

Are you still checking back in on Friday? I can come by the house to do some things for you (clean, groceries?) while you are at UWMC.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are home and getting better food and love from your doggies too. WE are thinking of you and sure to thank John for alll the detailed updates and what has been happening to you Jamie. I am sure this will be an unbelievable chapter in your life when you look back on it in a few years...You will did I get thru all that!! Your a strong woman and we are so proud of you. Love Doris

Anonymous said...


I'm so glad you are home!!! I bet it feels really good. Katelyn has something for you, so we will bring it by sometime. We didn't want to entrude, I know it must be nice to have some extra peace and quiet at home. I will be thinking about you. Don't foget your lovely new basket of things when you go up on Friday!

I heard Shorty really liked your stuffed dog:) I think it made Mom super nervous when he tried to jump up on your tummy!!! Shorty is such a cuddler, he was probably trying to say he is so happy to have you home. I hope he is making you laugh.

Remember to call on Katelyn and I if you just want some company or a laugh or two.

Love you both!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Shorty was happy to get back to his "forever home", but he is amazing in his ability to adapt to his ever changing surroundings!
You & John have really accomplished a lot around your two houses these last few months. I was thinking the other day when Sharon & I were there how much you will enjoy putting around your yard this summer. You can rest under the big tree on your "walkabouts" or just sit quietly on the porch with some tea and a book. Thankyou for taking the time to post. It really helps us all feel a little more connected to you. Looking forward to getting home to see you soon.
Love, Kathy

Anonymous said...

We love your new hair do, but then we love you however you are. So glad you made it home and had a sleep in your own bed. It will be great for you to get into a regular routine.
Sounds like John's hunting camp organizational skills are helping you in your treks to Seattle. Just don't let him set up a tent with a pot belly stove on the sidewalk for your "luxury hotel."
Hope to see you soon. God Bless, Love, Judy and Don