So we are getting ready for a first of the season camping trip to celebrate Madeline Wood's second birthday. We are making it a longer weekend by camping Friday night as well as the planned Saturday night festivities.
I've been battling joint pain for the last couple of days. It's to be expected with the double dose of blood cell boosters I got this past chemo round. My friendly personal pharmacist counselled me as to what I could take and how much. After trying to control the pain on two advil every six hours and constant soaks in the tub...I knew there had to be another remedy. Take more advil and closer together. So far so good. I got a few hours of sleep last night without the aching. Hopefully tonight will be better. I'm hoping this is gone before camping, as the tub in the trailer is a wee bit small for soaking(not to mention the hot water doesn't last too long.)
I've ordered a swimsuit online in the hopes I might take up lap swimming again. My sister and Katelyn have been swimming every morning at the Valley Athletic club. Maybe I should join. Maybe just feeling of weightlessness will help with some of the issues. Funny thing is, walking when my joints ache actually helps too. You would think it would be the opposite.
I'm becoming a morning person I think. This morning as I was up at five, John and I decided to go out to breakfast. We ventured to Shari's. We were the youngest couple in the establishment. The waitress was friendly, the food was good, and she didn't mind me doing laps while I waited for breakfast to be served. There are some benefits to sleeplessness.
Wait a minute! This was posted at 7:18 AM and you have already gone out for breakfast???? Wow! That's impressive!
Sorry to hear about your aches and pains. Have you heard of a Sleep Number Bed? We just got one and it is fabulous. You can make it nice and soft when you need to.
I'm looking forward to visiting with you at the campsite Saturday! I think I will be there with Abby and leave Ben home with Chris.
So you think you are becoming a morning person?? This is music to my ears, because I am a morning person too. I love it when I hear that someone else may enjoy waking up at the crack of dawn to catch a sunrise or a walk when the birds are singing. I bet John was thrilled to not have to be so quiet in the wee hours of the morning.
Camping sounds like a lot of fun! We will take care of GB and BB so don't you worry. Come back with a full report on company and the smores.
Swimming is very relaxing. You may begin to smell like chlorine on a daily basis, but it is worth it.
My hair has taken a slight toll from the chlorine, but lucky for you, you don't have to worry about that!!!
Have a great camping weekend.
Sorry to hear about the joint pain. Hope you can figure out the right timing/dosage of advil to take care of things.
The morning thing is impressive. My dad's been trying to convince the rest of us for years about how wonderful mornings are. He'll be happy to hear that you're a convert.
Have fun camping!
I highly recommend that you try practicing Qigong. It's a Chinese active meditation that focuses on healing. It will help with your joint pain, boost your immune system, and will help you get better sleep, too. I recommend Ken Cohen's "The Essential Qigong Training Course" It has CDs, DVDs and a workbook, and will take you from the beginner stages through a 100 day course. The meditations help get your body energy flowing in the morning, and the evening meditations help slow and relax everything so you can get more restful sleep. The health benefits of Qigong are widely known and accepted in China. It's a system that has been used forever.
Of course, you may already know all about this, being the world traveler that you are :) I hope you find this helpful.
Enjoy your camping trip!
~ Shanan
What a great camping weekend ya'all will have. Happy birthday Madeline!!!
Sorry that you're having aches. Hope they're gone soon! Swimming is worth a try and would be wonderful if it helps.
Have fun in the woods with the Woods.
Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend at the campground! I would be happy to take any length of walk with you if the joints get a little achey.
The main news we will have to share is the South Dakota family reunion / roadtrip. Here are a few pictures including a scary buffet my brother and I overindulged at:
If the swimming is to your liking we will have to compare notes - I also recently purchased a one-piece, serious-business swimsuit in hopes of trying out some laps at the gym I belong to. I never really got into it before, what with the goggles and my tendency to not swim in a straight line.
A birthday camping trip! What fun!! Happy birthday Madeline! Hope you will post some pics from this adventure when you get back. I have a camping fiasco to tell you about when we get together next.
I have been getting some updates from your sister, and as always, love reading you and John's postings on the blog. Hang in there, Jamie! Not much longer and you will be done with chemo and joint pain.
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