Chemo session #3 is almost over. With surgery weeks behind, the power port installed and a couple of trips under our belt, things seem to go pretty smoothly. Jamie was a bit nervous about her first conscious port access this AM (the access last time was done right after the install when she was still under anesthesia), but she had her lidocaine on 30 minutes prior and the needle went in with no pain. Our able technician Reggie had her vials filled and things rapped up in just minutes.
Nurse Dan has become an old friend, and we constantly find our “tool talk” interrupted by Jamie’s need for chemo. A both outgoing and attentive nurse, he is always trying to take over my duties. If he would just focus on giving drugs and taking vital signs, I can handle the hospitality service myself.
Jamie gets stronger and more independent by the day. This session she is getting up by herself and taking her IV pole with her to the restroom without my aid. She even sent me to Starbucks down on Eastlake this morning once her IV got underway.
At home, we are becoming more and more active, and I often come home at lunch to find her finishing up the dishes, laundry or the bills and ready for lunch and our walk. Our walking route is getting longer every time, as I am excited to explore the new trails in the neighborhood with her and Shorty. Hopefully she will be strong enough, and receive approval from Dr. Goff to do a short hike in August or September as long as she carries very little load.
Her weight was up a couple of pounds this week, showing that my diligence and our friends and family’s cooking is working. I have been forced to return to my Weight Watcher’s fundamentals and combined with some exercise should be able to reverse the effects of all the cookies and trips to Big Tom’s drive in.
This afternoon we are off to Kirkland, with a brief stop by a bicycle shop. Another testament to her strength, Jamie patiently sat at REI for over an hour while I test road a few mountain bikes. Hoping this will distract me from diesel pick ups for a while (which apparently all of my cool friends now have), she has been encouraging me to shop and agreed that such a purchase will improve both my physical and mental health.
We are also hoping to bring the rabbits home this week, bringing our daily life even closer to normal. Being home this summer has not been all bad though, we are enjoying our yard, picnic table and new BBQ. The grass in our expanded yard has grown in and gives Shorty extra room to play, if only he would learn to come back when called.
Hi Jamie! So glad your chemo session is going so smoothly. If only your three-days after were as smooth but don't give up, they may get better and easier!! And then, before you know it, it'll all be over and you'll be back to your old self. I think the unknown always lends itself to much apprehension . . . you're breaking new ground (for us on the blog as well). Keep up the weight gain. And, no doubt, your positive outlook has been a major factor in your great progress.
And you two are thinking of a hike in August or September? You are amazing! Your cheering section will have to get their short skirts, grab megaphones and stand at the trail head shouting "Go Jamie Go. Hike Jamie Hike." With pleasure!!
Hi John. Did I hear 'mountain bike?' Wish you could sit down and talk to Jason as he's really been "into it" for years now and, of course, has gone through several bikes. His bike is his major mode of transportation to work and back regardless of the weather. Of course, his 'good' bike is not for work -- for that he has a secondary bike.
Thanks for the blog.
P.S. Shorty is spending a few hours in G-ma & G-Pa's wonderful back yard this afternoon -- even though they're not at home. (It can be dangerous to give us the keys to the castle.) It's too hot for his little paws to be on the pavement for a walk -- that will have to come later in the day when it's cooler!
Great to see you guys tonight - as always. Jamie, you're back to your spunky self and I'm so happy that you're feeling so great - and are well armed for the weekend to help yourself get through the rough days more easily.
Thrilled that chemo was a breeze today, and really, really love you bald. You just look so beautiful - all gorgeous eyes and smile!
Love, K
Way to go, you two! So glad the chemo went smoothly. Sounds like you are settling into a regular routine and that is always comforting. Good luck and comfort in the next few days.
Love, J & D
Hi Jamie,
It was so great to see you all smiley and enthusiastic yesterday after chemo. You are blowing all of my preconceived notions about all of this out of the water:) Before you know it, you will be wearing your Survivor bracelet with pride:)
Lots of Love,
I'm so happy to hear chemo went smoothly and you two are feeling comfortable with your surroundings at SCCA.
My mom came over to play at the beach with me and the kids yesterday, and she brought a comfort kit for you. I'll give you a call this week to see when a good time will be to stop by.
Hi Jamie!! So glad things went well on Friday. I was anxious to get back home where I could see the blog. Mom and Dad said you were out at dinner last night, so I hope that means you are weathering this weekend well. Bet it has been fabulous to sit under those beautiful trees in your yard.
I know it is tough, but it's great to think that you are halfway through this session. Can't wait to see you soon - it has been too long between visits this time. Sorry about that, but I know you have lots of people who want to see you :)
Glad to hear chemo #3 went well. You are making great progress. I just talked to John on this beautiful Sunday afternoon and he said you were feeling really good. Maybe you will continue to feel that way. All your positive energy is really kickin the cancer to the curb.
Katelyn made it home early today form her trip. She strolled into town just before 3:00 She was excited to see the new dining and living room colors. She quickly settled in to the backyard with the neighbor kids. They played in the sprinkler and ate pickles.
Katelyn starts swim lessons tomorrow, afterwards we will check in on you to see if you are feeling up for a stroll through the neighborhood. We will get you ready for your hike in no time!
Love you,
It was great seeing you Saturday afternoon. I was amazed with how great you were doing right after chemo #3. It was great to see how excited you were that you found a hat to match your shirt.
You and Jennifer did a great job of picking out the paint colors for her dinning and living room.
Remember to get lots of rest and I will See you soon.
Glad to hear that chemo seems to be going a little easier this time. And it sounds like your activity level is really up -- that's wonderful. I have some stuff to send to you, if I can make it to the post office this week (which is somehow harder than it sounds). Anyway, take care.
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