Monday, October 29, 2007

Back in The Saddle

Well, I have gone back to work. Only it's with John at Tectonix. His bookkeeper left, so I have officially taken over the duties. I've worked a couple of days before chemo and today after chemo and I'm getting the hang of it. I think it is a great stress reliever that I am there and he can keep a watch over me and me over him (hehehe) We'll see how we do in the long run. My Mom and Dad have been able to do it all these years, so far so good for us!


Jen said...

LOL! Working with your spouse, yet another sign of your incredible strength!

jkluginbill said...

Good for you. The only thing I miss about working at the museum is working with Troy. I loved it. But I also love

You will do great working together I am sure.

I am so glad you are doing well and are up and back to work. You are amazing.

Katrina W. said...

A fabulous arrangement for everyone... plus, you're an old pro at working with family! I'm sure John has never had someone so amazingly efficient do the bookkeeping either.

Happy Tuesday, and congrats on the new gig!

Unknown said...

I used to work with Dennis, and we loved it. We went to the gym together, had lunch together... it was great! I really miss those days. I'm sure you guys will enjoy it, too.

Congrats again on clobbering cancer! You are one strong woman!!!

~ Shanan

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Jamie! Sounds like a good solution to the AWOL bookkeeper. You'll have the books in tip-top shape in no time, plus lunch out with your husband every day . . . what more could you ask for! Does Shorty get to go with you to work? Glad you're feeling good. (Maybe a couch is in order for John's office so you can catch a snooze if you get tired.)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jen... plus he's my brother, so I know exactly how tough you are ;) Glad you're feeling up to time in the office!

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the stock for Tectonix will go up!! I don't recall your education degree...but I'm hoping it was will increase your level of patience and your ability to explain things to your new boss on his own level!!!(chuckle/chuckle) I loved it years ago when Buz and I worked together. You continue to amaze us all.

Anonymous said...

You continue to inspire me in all aspects. I think you are a real hero for all of us. I will be thinking about you today!! I know more good news is just around the corner.
