Friday, June 6, 2008

Update From Our Team Captain, Katie

For those of you who may have missed this email update from Katie, here it is:

Hi Team,

We are only a couple of weeks away from the big event! Hope you are all getting your walking shoes ready! Thanks to all of you for joining Jamie's Relay team! This will be such a wonderful opportunity to get together to celebrate Jamie's victory over cancer (and to contribute some funds to cancer research while we're at it).

I spoke with one of the event coordinators, Leigh Ann Breer, earlier this week. I was glad to learn that she has some Carnival type games and prizes that she would love for us to operate as a fund raiser for our team. She mentioned specifically a dart and balloon game (which I know Jamie will love ;-)) and a duck pond game that seems like it might be entertaining for the kids. I am going to pick up a couple of these games from her at the next Team Captains meeting next week. Of course any other ideas you all have for fund raising at the event are welcome, just let me know!

I know Jamie's dad and brother were considering a BBQ fund raiser, which I thought was a really good idea. Leigh Ann informed me that there are two groups planning a hot dog stand/BBQ on Saturday, so we might consider Friday for this if we decide to go ahead with it. Also, whoever is manning the BBQ would need a Food Handlers permit through the Health Department. It doesn't look too difficult to get this permit but it would be a bit of a hassle to get to Seattle or Renton for the class. See the following link for more information .... Also, if this is a serious consideration, please let me know so that I can let the event coordinators know as they are trying to organize the food aspect of the Relay. If not, no big deal. We don't need a permit to sell prepackaged food. Leigh Ann suggested that if we could get prepackaged sandwiches (or something like that) donated on our teams behalf, we could sell those at the event. Anybody have any connections in the restaurant industry??

We are in need of a canopy/tent for our team headquarters at the track. Does anybody have one we could use? Also, we need a relay baton. Any creative folks out there that would like to craft a special baton for the Jamie Clobbered Cancer team?

I have heard form several folks that the ACS website has been creating some headaches. I am sorry about this. I know there are people who have tried to sign up for the team and have spent there $10 but are not showing up on our roster. If any of you receiving this email notice that a teammate is not included on this email, please pass this information along to them. I am sending this out to all of the folks I have emails for (generated from the ACS site) but I know it is incomplete.

Sorry for the long email. I will stop here with more to come in the next couple of weeks. please feel free to email or call me with any questions.


Katie Stoll


Anonymous said...

An update...
Jamie's friend, Jennifer, has offered to make our team baton. Thanks Jennifer! We still need a canopy if anybody has one they can share for the event.


Anonymous said...

I'm almost positive we have a canopy...infact probably several stored at home. We will be home late Sunday, and will look Monday for them.