Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Home Stretch

Today was set to be Jamie's final (hooray!) IP chemo treatment (#6 of 6), ringing in the New Year finished, but she picked up a post-holiday bug of some sort on Friday, so this treatment will be slightly delayed until she's up for it. She's already on the mend and feeling a bit better today, which is great. This last treatment had been delayed a little already since it would've fallen on December 23/24.

All has been well since the last post with Jamie and John chugging along side-by-side at work, and doing their usual busy holiday activities. Aunt Jamie also started a great tradition this year of taking all her sisters and their daughters to The Nutcracker in Seattle, and it was an amazing and simply magical holiday evening. We loved it and are already looking forward to next year!

Here's to a wonderful, healthy, and adventure-filled 2008! It's already starting off perfectly with Jamie in remission, and with only one more treatment to wrap up. Here's to a Happy New Year in '08 that'll see Jamie & John ringing in 2009 in sunny Sydney, Australia!!


Anonymous said...

What a great picture of you guys! Katelyn is going to be taller than you before she even gets out of elementary school! All of the girls are growing like crazy.

I'm so sorry the crud finally caught up with you... but Mom said you were looking great on New Year's, so hopefully you are feeling ready to get this last one out of the way.

Looking forward to a happy and healthy 2008 for you (and all of our loved ones!)

Thanks again for a great Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Katrina for sharing the great picture. I know katelyn and I had a lot of fun and can't wait to go to the Nutcracker again next year with Jamie and all the girls. Why not, the guys going hunting for a week a year, I think girls are definately entitled to a night out with the girls:)

Jamie- I am so glad you are feeling better so you can get the last chemo treatment checked off and put behind you.

I hope you and John had a wonderful New Years Eve with Pete and Kathy.

Take care!!!

Love Jennifer

Anonymous said...

Other than a little nagging cough, Jamie looked great on New Year's Eve. Pete and I were SO happy to get to spend the evening with you both! We hope the next time it will be back at the beach with you again.

To everyone who comes to check the blog, Best Wishes for a Happy & Healthy 2008! This time next year we will be looking at pictures from Sidney! :)

Love, Mom C