Monday, March 3, 2008

Lucky Number 8

Hello All!! I thought I would give you all a brief update post chemotherapy. I had my first blood draw (one whole month has gone by!!) and all is "spiffy"! My CA-125 is the lowest it's ever been at a cool low of 8. After starting out well over 4400, I will take an 8 any day.

My hair is coming in pretty strong now. I was worried for a little while because it was falling out again, but that seems to have past. I'm starting to lose the "steroid" puffiness in my face too--thank goodness. My eyebrows and eyelashes are coming in as well, so I'm starting to look more like myself.

I've been doing twice weekly deep water aerobics with my sister, Jennifer and Mom. The Club has just added Tuesday and Thursday to the schedule so I am going to do those classes as well.

I will try to post a picture soon :)


jkluginbill said...

Yay! Wonderful news! :)

Jen said...

It is so great to hear from you! Congrats on the #8 and hair growth:) Hope to see you soon (you still need to come by and see my school)!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Jamie!! Good news is so welcome.....hope you're enjoying your "freedom" from Chemo and your new "hair".


Pat and Audrey

Anonymous said...

Eight!? That's great!!! I love 8! Congratulations Jame. See you soon.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats again on everything you've done to overcome this beast. It never stood a chance! Have fun with the water aerobics. Looking forward to some pictures!

~ Shanan

Anonymous said...

Go, go, go new hair! Is John ready to go backwards on his long-hair ban, or do we need to start looking for a short style? Bet you are looking great - can't wait to see you. Keep up the good work in the pool!


Anonymous said...

Aunt Jamie,

We like the sound of #8. You are doing great. We like your hair all spikey. I think you need to post a picture so everyone else can see.

Katelyn wants to know how old you are?

We hope you had fun at the ocean!

$45 And $56 and $67 and $89 and $19$92 $93 $94 $ 95 $96 $97 $98 $99 $100

Katelyn decided to learn how to type the $$$$$ sign.

Love you!
Jen and Katelyn

Anonymous said...

Oh Jaimie, I can't wait to see you and get my fingers in your new hair when it is time for it to be trimmed up. You will look great in any hair style.
I am sooo happy to hear how low your numbers are, single digits, how cool is that!!! It puts the biggest smile on my face. It's awesome to see you post and hear how well you are doing from John when he comes in the salon.


Anonymous said...

Just a quick follow-up request for a new picture of you!

The whole world should get to see how great you look. Can't believe how happy I was to see your eyebrows again!!

All of your hard work is certainly paying off. You look awesome - I hope that the time in the water is helping your legs feel better too.


Anonymous said...

Just a quick follow-up request for a new picture of you!

The whole world should get to see how great you look. Can't believe how happy I was to see your eyebrows again!!

All of your hard work is certainly paying off. You look awesome - I hope that the time in the water is helping your legs feel better too.


Jen said...

I agree with Anne, I have been checking the blog daily, waiting to see a picture:)

Anonymous said...

Jamie -

Great news on the "8" and return of your hair. Keeping you and John in our thoughts and prayers.

Matt & Donna